Overcoming Marking and Coding Packaging Challenges in Bakery & Confectionery Applications

Most bakers and confectioners face a challenging business environment. As the cost of raw materials skyrockets consumers are demanding a greater variety of products and healthier alternatives. As a result, many manufacturers of bakery and confectionery products are looking to diversify their portfolio. 

Marking and Coding is a necessary step in virtually all bakery and confectionery production processes. While just one part of the overall process, unless carefully considered this step can negatively influence your ability to meet production targets in significant ways. 

  • Unreliable equipment contributes to loss of production uptime 
  • Usability issues inhibit smooth product and shift changeovers 
  • Inefficient equipment designs unnecessarily increase production costs

So how can you ensure these roadblocks do not stand in the way of your production success? Carefully evaluate the durability, usability and efficiency of your marking and coding equipment as it applies to your production process.

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